Seatech Engineering working in cooperation with a consortium, Foundation for Safety of Navigation and Environment Protection Ship Handling Research and Training Centre, Mr. Michael Hübler Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. R&D, Mrs. Hanna Pruszko Gdańsk University of Technology Department of Ship Manufacturing Technology, Quality Systems and Materials, Otto Piening GmbH Propeller & Hydrodynamic, CVBA BRABO Pilotage & Mooring, Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH Propellers & Cavitation.

Application of hybrid CRP-POD propulsors on ultra-large twin-screw containerships to increase propulsive efficiency, reduce GHG emissions and improve navigational safety.
PA1: Environmental friendly maritime technologies
PA1: Emissions reduction, PA1: Energy efficiency, PA1: Noise and vibration reduction, PA1: Innovative propulsion systems, PA1: Life cycle management

Project duration 36 months.

Total fundings: 1,246.000 Euro
Fundings from UE: 1,007.000 Euro

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